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Simplified Tenant Insurance Compliance and Tracking 

Manually managing the insurance compliance of your tenants can be complex and potentially risky. We’ve created an integrated solution to manage your insurance compliance and track your tenant’s coverage.


Track Each Unit

Eliminate the manual hassle and streamline the process of tracking and renewing insurance policies with our automated system.

Magnify data

Verify Compliance

Leverage our advanced technology for efficient compliance verification, ensuring quick and accurate compliance checks with fewer errors.

Data insights

Make Better Decisions

Make informed decisions with our detailed compliance analysis and reporting, helping you to understand the trends in compliance levels.

Enhanced Compliance. Reduced Exposure.

Boost engagement in your tenant insurance program and close coverage loopholes with a spectrum of solutions exclusively devised for property management companies. Allow residents to quickly join your tenant insurance program and retain their coverage. Your residents receive a quick, straightforward method to fulfill their lease requirements, and you benefit from continuous safeguarding of your assets.

  • Ensure compliance with automated workflows for compliance assessments

  • Maximize coverage with automated enrolment for non-compliant tenants

  • Minimize risk and reduce costs by reaching 100% compliance

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CoverTrack helped us achieve 100% tenant insurance compliance without sacrificing customer service to our residents. Not only did CoverTrack reduce our staff workload significantly, but their team also made the entire process one of our smoothest implementations.

Kate Connolly, Osgoode Properties

How CoverTrack Works


Quick Enrolment

Before signing their lease, tenants receive a notification email with a link to the CoverTrack online portal, making uploading their insurance documents easy.

Easy Insurance Selection

We help tenants find the best insurance options tailored to their needs. And our simple application process ensures that your residents have no barriers to getting and staying covered.


Automated Policy Tracking

CoverTrack continually tracks all policies, relieving your team of the administrative burden and ensuring that each policy is actively maintained automatically.

Proactive Compliance Management

CoverTrack actively manages compliance by engaging with residents who are not adequately covered, facilitating the process of buying or renewing through the online portal.

Get in Touch

Fill out this form and a CoverTrack representative will get in touch with you.

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